Auto Dealership
Security & Remote Video Monitoring
Auto-Focus Security is one of very few security companies in the nation that provides remote interactive video surveillance to car dealerships. Auto-Focus guarantees top-of-the-line security systems with state-of-the-art Panasonic cameras and cutting-edge centralized monitoring stations.
- Auto-Focus Central Stations are monitored by a live security officer via high-speed point-to-point internet connection allowing real-time video and audio and stay online until the next business day.
- Auto-Focus Security officers remotely “tour” each dealerships lot at regularly scheduled intervals, performing many of the same duties as an on-site security guard for a fraction of the price.
- AFS officers can send out announcement via two-way audio to intruders or anyone needing help. Recorded images are sharp enough to see every detail, day or night.

You can count on Auto-Focus Security to be at the ready 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
With many auto thefts occurring directly from car dealerships, theft, along with trespassers, vandalism and liability issues are a real concern. Auto-Focus Security not only keeps your dealership secure from theft and vandalism but our professionally installed Panasonic I-Pro cameras allow for conducting internal investigations as well. Dealers can look for flaws in their processes (from someone continually leaving a door open to employee theft) and then improve upon them.
Auto-Focus Security observes and records activities day and night. Managers can see where every car has been on the lot for the last 60 plus days and can show the condition of every vehicle on the lot or pulling through the service lane.
Human resource managers can review the arrival and departure time of employees. Use software analytics to inspect traffic flows on a daily basis.
Save thousands on false claims, such as slip and fall scams. Being on top of the latest and most effective security tools can directly affect the success or failure of your business.
Learn more about how to save money with Auto-Focus Security custom built security systems tailored to your needs. Click on the button below to receive your security proposal today!